Wednesday, February 8, 2012


            It has been a particularly rough morning.  I got into a nasty argument with my ex-husband.  You would think that now that the girls are over eighteen, he could leave well enough alone, yet he continues to call with his bullshit.  And it never fails, that within the first few sentences out of his mouth, he manages to piss me off and bring up all that old anger and hate.  So I wrote a poem that I think sums up our hell of a marriage perfectly, and that is what I want to share today.  I usually don’t share my poetry at all, but this new phase in my life is supposed to be about taking new risks and doing new things, so here goes.
Your goal is to bring me down,
Your goal is to make me drown.
And it used to work every time.
I used to fall to your cruel words,
I used to fall for the angry look,
Everything I had you took.
You would tell me it was my fault,
And without fail, I’d fall again,
Deep into despair again.
And the tears would streak down my face,
And you’d smile knowing you put me in my place.
Then one day, your game went wrong
When I didn’t give in to your evil song.
I stood my ground.
I caught the ledge.
This time, I didn’t slip off the edge.
You looked for tears,
But you found your fears.
I no longer cared for what you thought.
I refused to be the victim you sought.
The game is over,
This time I’ve won.
I’m free of your hate,
This time, it’s it. never too late.
            Writing poetry has always been a source of stress relief for me.  It’s really weird to let anyone else read it though.  I hope you all like

1 comment:

  1. Love it. I would love to learn poetry but not sure where to start.
